
Ensuring ethical treatment of employees and subcontractors and socially responsible production practices is important for every organization, including advertising agencies. Here are some ways we strive to ensure ethical treatment of our team members as well as socially responsible production practices both at home and abroad:

We have a clear and concise code of ethics that outlines the expectations for ethical behavior from all employees. We review it regularly with all team members.

We follow fair labor practices such as encouraging that employees have a safe and healthy work environment, paying fair wages, and avoiding discrimination or harassment.

We conduct audits of our operations from time to time to ensure compliance with ethical and socially responsible practices.

We endeavour to work with suppliers and partners who engage in ethical practices and responsible sourcing, including avoiding child labor, providing living wages, and promoting environmental sustainability.

Branderos fosters a culture of transparency and accountability by openly communicating with employees, clients and stakeholders about its ethical and socially responsible practices.

We provide team members with training and development opportunities to help them grow professionally and personally. This may include training on ethical and socially responsible practices.

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